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百个党史微故事10 | 党委委员潘旭洲为您推荐《陈云对家人实行“三不准》
发布时间:2021-03-31     作者:   分享到:










Chen Yun implements “three prohibitions” to his family    



As early as during the war of liberation, Chen Yun, who was an important leader of the party organization of the Northeast Bureau, put forward extremely strict “three prohibitions” to his relatives and children: anyone was not allowed to enter and leave his office casually; anyone was not allowed to read or touch documents and materials only for him; anyone was not allowed to take a car he used.  




As for Chen Yun’s “three prohibitions”, his relatives and children have been implementing them meticulously for decades.  



In the early days of the founding of new China, Yu Ruomu, Chen Yun’s wife, worked in the central financial and Economic Commission. She took the same route to and from work as Chen Yun. Although they were on the same way, she always insisted on riding a bicycle to and from work, never taking Chen Yun’s car.  



他的女儿陈伟华在 1977 年国家恢复高考后,从农村考进北京师范大学历史系,毕业后被分配到国家人事部工作。考虑到教学一线教师紧缺,她在陈云的鼓励下毅然放弃了国家机关的工作岗位,到北京师范大学附属实验中学当一名普通的中学教师,直至退休。陈伟华弃政从教的事迹成为当时教育界的美谈,产生了广泛的社会影响。  

His daughter Chen Weihua was admitted to the History Department of Beijing Normal University from the countryside after the national college entrance examination was resumed in 1977. After graduation, she was assigned to the Ministry of personnel. In view of the shortage of front-line teaching teachers, she resolutely gave up her job in state organs under Chen Yun’s encouragement and worked as an ordinary middle school teacher in the experimental middle school affiliated to Beijing Normal University until she retired. Chen Weihua’s deeds of abandoning politics and becoming a teacher became a good talk in the field of education at that time, which had a wide social impact.  


陈伟华忆称,文革期间,父亲被下放到江西,在那里待了 2 7 个月,一家 7 口人分散于全国各地,后来姊姊曾到江西给父亲做饭,照顾他的生活 10 个月。爸爸对姊姊说,你在我这儿 10 个月,没有给国家干事,是为了照顾我,你不能拿国家的工资。让姊姊把这 10 个月的工资全部退给了单位。  

Chen Weihua recalled that during the “Cultural Revolution”, her father was sent to Jiangxi, where he stayed for two years and seven months. “Seven people in their family were scattered all over the country. Later, her sister went to Jiangxi to cook for and take care of their father for 10 months”. The father said to her sister, “you have been here for 10 months and taken care of me, you can’t get the salary of the state because you didn’t do anything for our state”. He made the sister return all the salary of these 10 months to the unit.  

