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百个党史微故事78 | 教师党员王瑞芬为您推荐《求学问是最快乐的事》
发布时间:2021-06-07     作者:   分享到:









Learning is the Happiest Thing


Early in 1921, appointed by the Initiation Group of the Communist Party of China, Zhang Tailei came to Irkutsk of Soviet Union and took office the Secretary of the Chinese section of the Oriental Bureau of the Communist International.




Due to the urgent departure and confidential action, Zhang Tailei didn’t have time to say goodbye to his family face to face, so he wrote a letter to his wife Lu Jinghua on the way. He said, “I think it’s better to live on my own instead of manipulating by others; therefore, I’m determined to go to abroad to acquire some advanced knowledge and seek independent life.”



“I used to want to be an official and get rich, so I wait to take the higher civil official examination next year. But now I realize that wealth is harmful to everyone.



“I’m not sure that my morality will be degenerate if I become an official. Only by acquiring advanced knowledge can I make a living independently and do not rely on others. In this way, there is no fear of losing job and my frame of mind will be tranquil, which is the most important thing for one’s longevity.”


“Learning is the happiest thing. In the scholars’ views, whoring and gambling are more pain than pleasure, so they never do that. You see the people who are really knowledgeable are always like this, such as your father.”



 “Therefore, I decide to study abroad for acquiring a little knowledge to let you, your mother and I can enjoy the true happiness in the future. But now, we have to bear the pain of temporary parting in exchange that kind of happiness. Are you willing to do that? I think you are a sensible person, and you will surely be willing and assentient.”



In the spring of 1924, Zhang Tailei was ordered to return hometown. He continued to devote himself to revolution. In the December 1927, he died bravely in the battle of Guangzhou Uprising when he was only 29 years old.



Although his life was short, he turned into the thunder that shattered the old world, thundering in the sky of history just like the name he named himself.