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百个党史微故事4 | 副院长裴等华为您推荐《朱德的扁担》
发布时间:2021-03-25     作者:   分享到:






推荐理由: “爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之”。伟人之所以备受人民的爱戴和拥护是因为他们首先践行人民至上的宗旨。一副担架承载不了几位伤员,但它可以温暖千万士兵的心灵,激发官兵团结一心为共同理想而奋斗的献身精神。“土扶可成墙, 积德为厚地”,共产党人成功的重要经验之一:来自人民,依靠人民,服务人民。  




Marshal Zhu’s Pole



In 1928, Comrade Zhu De led a Red Army team to Jinggang Mountain to meet Chairman Mao. The Red Army was on the mountain and the enemy was not far below.  




There is not much grain produced on Jinggang Mountain, so the army often has to send some people to Maoping below the mountain to convey grain. From Jinggang Mountain to Maoping, there are fifty to sixty miles back and forth. The high mountain road is steep and it is very difficult to walk. But everyone is vying to go.



Comrade Zhu De also went to carry food with the soldiers. He wore straw sandal and hat, picked up a load of food, and climbed the mountain with everyone.



Conveying food during the day, and in the evening, he often studied how to fight with the enemy through all night. Everyone felt distressed and hid his pole. Unexpectedly, Comrade Zhu De found another pole. He wrote the eight characters "This pole is only for Zhu De." Everyone respects and loves him more.